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Schoolsworks is a multi-academy trust in West Sussex. Our aim is to create small hubs of schools which work closely together to collaborate, share best practice and improve outcomes for children.


River Beach

School Information

We hope that you are able to find all the information you need about our school on our website.

Below are few links to some areas that you may be looking for:

The School Day

Our school hours are in line with the government expectation of 32.5 hours per week and are as follows:

Years 1 – Year 6
Doors open - 08.30 a.m.
Registration – 08.40 a.m.


Year 1: 11.45 - 12.30pm

Years 2, 3 and 4: 12.15pm - 1.00pm

Years 5 and 6: 12.45pm - 1.30pm

End of school day – 3.05pm

Doors open – 08.45am
Registration – 08.55am

Lunch: 11.45am - 12.30pm

End of school day – 2.50pm

Additional Funding

Both Pupil Premium and Sports Premium are additional sources of funding given to publicly funded schools in England.

The pupil premium is additional funding given to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers.

Sports Premium is designed to help primary schools improve the quality of the P.E. and sport activities they offer their pupils.

All schools are required to report on the amount of funding and how this is being used.

Please see below to see how, at River Beach, the funding is being spent and the positive impact it is having on our pupils.

Pupil Premium Funding

Sports Premium Funding


If you have any worries or concerns, your first point of contact will usually be your child’s Class Teacher.

Should you wish to take a matter further, it should be referred to a Year Leader (for your child’s year group), one of our Senior Leaders, the Deputy Headteacher or Head of School.

In the unlikely event that you are still not satisfied with the outcome of a meeting, you are then at liberty to write to the Executive Headteacher and/or the Schools Community Council, expressing a wish to formalise your complaint.

Our Trust Policy can be viewed here:

Trust Complaints Policy

You can also refer a complaint to the Board of Trustees at Schoolsworks, whose contact details can be found here.

School Performance Information

At River Beach we want every child to succeed which is why our aim is to give them every chance every day.

Academic achievement is very important.

We want our pupils to achieve as highly as they can and this means making the progress we would expect and more. It is our responsibility to deliver a curriculum which excites and engages our children and at the same time gives them the skills and knowledge they need for the future especially as regards reading, writing and maths.

An overview of our annual data assessment is as follows


  • A baseline assessment when the children start school
  • An assessment at the end of the year to check on progress 

Year 1

  • National Phonics Test

Year 2

  • National Phonics test for those who did not pass in Year 1

Year 2 to 5

  • Internal assessments in reading, writing and mathematics 

Year 4

  • National Multiplication Times Table Check

Year 6

  • National Key Stage 2 tests in Reading, Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling and mathematics
  • Teacher assessments in writing

Please see below for national data

School Performance Data

School Performance in the national Key Stage 2 tests (NCTs or SATs)