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Schoolsworks is a multi-academy trust in West Sussex. Our aim is to create small hubs of schools which work closely together to collaborate, share best practice and improve outcomes for children.


River Beach

Idioms, Sayings & Phrases

During our Greek Myths topic in Year 5 we found out that lots of our children were unaware of many well know idioms and phrases and their origins.

Our Year 5 children enjoyed learning the stories behind phrases like ’Opening Pandora’s box’ and ‘Flying too close to the sun’ and ‘having the Midas touch’.

As a result of this we have developed our idioms, sayings and phrases curriculum.

The idioms, saying and phrases curriculum is a small selection of well-known sayings and phrases to be focused on in each year group with the aim of developing the cultural literacy of our children, particularly those where English may not be a first language.

These sayings and idioms are introduced to the children at regular intervals during the school year, sometimes during assemblies and discussed and considered as well as used in conversation whenever possible. This is particularly helpful for our children who have English as an additional language as it explicitly teaches some unique English phrases. 

To view our idioms, sayings and phrases curriculum click here