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Schoolsworks is a multi-academy trust in West Sussex. Our aim is to create small hubs of schools which work closely together to collaborate, share best practice and improve outcomes for children.


River Beach

Inspiring Times and People

As chronology can be a difficult concept to understand, the school has
created a timeline illustrating the periods of history studied at the school
and the significant people and events in that time period. The timeline
spans an entire corridor and enables groups or classes to use it as part of
their lessons. It allows children to physically place themselves in a period of
history and clearly see what had happened before and since that period.

To further enhance and embed children’s knowledge of significant figures,
we have chosen some of the key inspirational people the children will learn
about during their time at River Beach. These people are from a variety of
backgrounds, such as science, art, music or periods of history and are
prominently displayed around the school for the children to ‘bump into’.


We have intentionally chosen to incorporate local history into our sequence
of learning, investigating how the local community responded to national
and international events and the effect these had on everyday life. We
ensure that the past and experiences of people of modern Britain are
represented and explored as well as focusing on the achievements of a
diverse range of significant historical figures.