At River Beach, we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum throughout the Reception year. The curriculum is implemented through a mixture of self-initiated learning, small group tasks, whole class taught sessions and purposeful play, allowing children to develop key skills needed for lifelong learning.
As some children do not have access to outside areas at home, we have thought carefully about the resources and outside environments, we offer at the school. This includes opportunities to ride scooters and bikes whilst learning about balance, playing with others and road safety. Alongside all weather surfaces, which allow us to access outside learning all year round, we also have a large bespoke gardening area and mud kitchen. Through this, the children are able to explore growing their own food and find out about the different insects and creatures which live there.
Within the Reception Year, learning experiences of the highest quality are planned and resourced to consider children’s interests, needs and achievements. Both child-initiated and teacher-led activities provide opportunities for all children to succeed in an atmosphere of care, respect and the feeling of being valued. Well-planned play is a key way in which children learn with enjoyment and challenge, both within the indoor and outdoor learning environments. Children are involved in the planning of their play and choose the resources they need. The curriculum for the Foundation Stage is designed to ignite children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, and to build their capacity to learn, form relationships, thrive and prepare for later learning. The curriculum is planned in seven areas of learning and development; all areas are important and inter-connected.
The areas of learning are:
· communication and language
· physical development
· personal, social and emotional development
· literacy
· mathematics
· understanding the world
· expressive arts and design
Our Early Years Curriculum follows a topics based approach to learning. The topics are well thought out and designed to support, engage and challenge children’s curiosity and imagination. Through the topics chosen, children are given the opportunity to experience first-hand a variety of real life settings and experiences to ignite their curiosity and feed their imaginations.
At River Beach, we use the Read Write Inc phonics scheme. Please find below a link, which will give you information on how to support your child with reading at home.
To view our EYFS Curriculum Overview, please follow click here.